Susan is far too busy to date, but she wants to fall in love. Abby agrees to 'screen' dates in exchange for a promotion, and to add to the pressure, Susan is looking for the perfect man. For a TV movie, it was rather enjoyable.

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Career driven Abby agrees to help her busy boss find the man of her dreams, but she encounters a dilemma when she starts falling for the same man her boss approves of dating. Мелодрама, комедия. Режиссер: Дэвид И. Страссер. В ролях: Натали Дрейфусс, Эндрю Данбар, Кармел Амит и др. Музыка: Джон Кода. Продюсер: Жиль ЛаПланте, Том Берри, Лоуренс Браун и др. Read Common Sense Media's The To Do List review, age rating, and parents guide. This is the only movie on our list that is based on a true story.

The Dating List [The Dating List]

What are the best date night movies? Things Female Introverts Say on Dates. Funny Tweets That Capture Single Life. Dating Tips For Men Revealed By. During the pre-date phone call, you'll want to have movie names and times in hand. Do Something Else Besides Going to a Movie.

Trailer The Dating List [The Dating List]

The Dating Project Ratings & Reviews Explanation. The way people seek and find love has radically changed. The trends of hanging out, hooking up, texting and social media have created a dating deficit. قائمة المواعدة.

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